Saturday, March 8, 2008

Wichita Again

Fairly early this morning we packed up the car with our stuff and headed first west to York and then south to Wichita to pick up the motor home. We decided to fill it back up with propane so that our furnace would work and stay in the area. The bedroom slides do not work AGAIN. We went to a sports bar for a beer and some dinner and then back to nurse HW2 and to read. Hw2 picked up a cold somewhere and is feeling the effect and is muzzy-headed today. Maybe a good night's sleep will her her to get back on the road to health.

We are trying to cope with our many motor home problems, and someday hope it will work as well as it is supposed to. So far we have managed to take these setbacks in stride and to march forward. Did I tell you that the water lines were frozen, and our two plants frozen also?? I guess we are now out of plants for the foreseeable future. Hopefully, if we keep the motor home warm, we will gradually unfreeze the water lines. Leaks, anyone?????? So it goes. Hope you are all well, and happy travels.

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