Sunday, November 2, 2008

Change your clock?

Did you set your clocks back an hour? We did! We have a clock in the bedroom which can do much by itself. Clever thing that it is, it will reset itself to the correct time if you unplug or lose electricity and it also project red time numbers on the ceiling so that when you wake up in the night you can check to see what time your insomnia began. We got this idea from granddaughter Michelle and really like the clock. It is supposed to reset if you change time zones but after being dropped several times, this quality is suspect. However, it did reset itself to daylight savings time in the middle of the night but I was not awake to see it happen. I hope it occurred at 2:00 am. Anyway most of our visible clocks have been reset and WE GAINED AN HOUR!!!!

Now we have an extra hour to get ready for church and maybe even have a good breakfast. The sun is up and day begun, so, enjoy your extra hour. Happy travels.

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