Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Flat Belly Diet

We bought the book Flat Belly Diet by Liz Vaccariello and, of course, expect miracles. Now I have never had a flat belly, although if you took the 'l' out of flat you have a better picture of my on-going condition. Today is the day we begin this regimen. Yesterday we went to Walmart to get the necessary supplies for the first several days of the diet, and I think we are looking forward to a diet of twigs and leaves. I do not expect anything to taste good since it is all supposed to be "good for you," and you know how that works. However, I will keep you posted in a droning kind of way, on our successes and failures. During the first four days we cannot drink coffee, tea, sodas, or alcohol. You can imagine how lovely our attitudes will be in four days without COFFEE. I think I am already into withdrawal for my morning several cups of COFFEE.

I do not expect you to rush out and get this diet book but you can purchase it at CostCo and probably every other book store in the United States, but only if you are interested or desperate about having a fat, or is it flat stomach. Will keep you posted. Happy eating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm, thanks for the info on the book, but the children in my classroom know to ask if I've had my coffee before telling me they forgot their homework. Good luck to you and those around you!