Friday, November 28, 2008

Don't get on that scale

The day after Thanksgiving you should not get on the scale unless you were sick and didn't eat anything. I got on it and should not have. I was back up two pounds. It might have been all I ate at the meal yesterday but probably was the two beers and several helpings of popcorn, not that salt would enter into fluid retention, that I added on in the evening. Guess I have to get back to the diet grindstone and get serious.

We are not out shopping early or at all as far as I am concerned. Today it is back to working on my latest glass window. I hope to get all 300 plus pieces ground today and maybe start the copper foil process.

We talked to many family members yesterday or the day before and it was delightful to visit and catch up with each and all. The next three to four weeks will pass by in a blur and Christmas will be upon us. What a busy and wonderful time of year is this holiday season. When I was teaching it seemed to fly by and then we had some time off for the Christmas vacation. That break gave enough renewal that we were ready for the new year. Wonderful!

Hope your Thanksgiving was great and happy travels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I sent you an email on Wednesday. Did you receive it?