Friday, November 21, 2008

Rome was not built in a day

Now, there is a thought. Rome was not built in a day. Well, of course. Anyway, I weighed myself this morning and am finally down a pound. YEAH! Can't wait to find out how HW2 is doing. (She lost another pound.) Yesterday we met Byron over at the River Rock Saloon since I owed him a beer or two and like to quickly pay off any of my debts. HW2 made us pineapple smoothies (part of the "snack" regimine), and we went over and joined Byron. It felt a bit odd sitting at the bar, visiting, but only slurping the smoothie. I bet the bartender had not had that happen before.

So we are in day three of this diet thing, and I may have to change my mantra from Flat to Coffee or Beer. Guess I will stick with Flat for the time being.

Two more days of this detoxing procedure. We have been drinking Sassy Water. "What is that?" you ask. Well, Sassy Water is water in which you place a thinly sliced, peeled cucumber, thinly sliced lemon, mint leaves, and grated ginger root in 2 quarts of water to blend overnight. We have been drinking the stuff at every meal. I do not usually eat cucumbers or grated ginger because my digestive system thinks I am better off not doing that. Actually, it is everyone around me who applauds if I don't do that. I gingerly tried this water mixture and, except for some discreet noises, have managed to drink Sassy Water and certainly am looking forward to a new batch made last night by HW2. Today's Motto -- When in Rome, drink Sassy Water. Keep eating!

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