Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Eating out and gaining weight

We like to eat out! Does it have to go with gaining weight? Friends Karl and Betty asked us to join them for lunch, Chinese food, on Monday. Now I firmly believe that you can eat you fill of Chinese food and not gain weight. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves eating and visiting the whole time. Then we went shopping and got home two hours later. Monday night, HW2 made spaghetti sauce over pasta and a good salad. It was very good too.

Tuesday morning I got on the scales and had only gained three pounds. THREE POUNDS FROM CHINESE FOOD AND SPAGHETTI SAUCE! Now really! Salt I guess. We ate frugally the rest of the day until Byron came by and talked us into going across he road to 'The Hole in The Wall' which we had heard about but had never visited. We split a hamburger. Can you imagine how good a hamburger tastes when you have not had one for a LONG TIME? I even only ate ONE FRY!

Wednesday morning came by very quickly and I got on the DREADED SCALES and lost one pound. Now go figure. Chinese up, hamburger down. What am I to think? Damn Diet anyway! My pants do fit well for a change! That is a positive thought. How am I ever going to lose the fifteen pounds I set as my goal? Some goals only goes so far when you can eat out. Happy travels.

1 comment:

C and J said...

And I even used 95/5 beef (1 lb. for 2 meals) and whole wheat pasta. I'm thinking I do better dieting MY way! We're walking in the a.m., walking the mall, biking around the park when it's not too cold and windy, but I still am up and down between 3 - 5 pounds. I need more than that gone! XOXO HW2