Thursday, December 11, 2008

A good day here

After a cold night, we got going, had our morning walk, and started the weekly wash. Time for a shower and breakfast, as well as weighing in to discover that I HAVE LOST 11 POUNDS!!!!!!! Once we finished the chores here, we went to Walmart for some errands, gas station, and then on to Fredericksburg to shop a bit, get a bite, and then go to the dermatologist. This is a new doctor here, and I liked him very much. He has three boys and is very involved in their t - ball games. He froze some spots, so I will be very pretty for the next few days. He also did a bit of surgery on one finger where either I have a glass shard embedded or a wart or arthritis or.... We will know more after the biopsy.

Home again, and the rest of the day was quite restful. It was a beautiful day, a bit cool, but jackets were not necessary. I am thankful to have lost a bit more weight and to have met a new dermatologist who was very helpful. I feel blessed for sure. Happy travels.

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