Sunday, December 21, 2008

Saturday Shopping

We used the divide-and-conquer mode to go shopping on Saturday. Kim and the two boys came by, and the boys stayed here to play with Andy. Kim and HW2 went shopping. Kait needed a ride to work, so Marlene took her, and then she and Michelle went shopping. Jerry and I took care of the boys and at some point got them lunch. Finally, the shoppers began to return, and Jerry and I took our turn at shopping. While in a line at Borders I met up with an old friend Joyce, who is also retired from being a counselor, and we got caught up on common friends. HW2 met a former student while waiting in line.

We went on to Walmart and found several gifts for Marlene when lo and behold, she showed up. Guess those gifts are not a huge surprise. Marlene guesses gifts very well anyway. Finally, we all returned home and after dinner got into the hot tub. It was quite cold outside, but the hot tub felt wonderful.

Kait and boyfriend Andy also joined us. It was great to meet Andy, but he is a very brave person to go hot tubbing with his girl friend's parents, brother, and grandparents. He reminded us of another Andrew, who is the neat son of Dennis and Rachael. Altogether it was a great day except for the long lines and many people out shopping. It makes you wonder if we are really in a recession. Happy travels!

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