Saturday, December 6, 2008

This and that

Here it is Saturday morning and cold at 24 degrees right now. It is supposed to warm up into the fifties as it did yesterday. It has been sunny and pleasant to be out in but a bit cool to work out in. I finished my glass for Frances and some more Christmas decorations and we took those to the store and put them up in the window. That should do for the store, unless some get bought, and then I will make more.

HW2 has been sewing up a storm and we sent three more packages off to Jerry and Chris's families and another to Mom. That may be why I have not been adding to this blog lately. We have tried to stay on our diet but this morning I am up two pounds so yesterday's fudge has stayed a bit longer with me than planned. We gave most of it away to say thank you to the many kind people who live and work in the park.

Late this afternoon we hope to attend a Christmas music concert being held in our church's chapel. Sunday afternoon we hope to attend Frances and Marvin's thirtieth anniversary celebration. We keep walking the park but have been doing that later in the day when it is a bit warmer. happy travels.

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