Friday, October 16, 2009

Banking by computer

Since we have been "full timers," that is living and camping in our motor home, we have learned to use cell phones and computers to make this process easier. Now everyone has a cell phone, and some people no longer have phone land line hookups at all. I don't particularly like cell phones, but they are essential when you live in a motor home and are on the move.

Early on, HW2 figured out how to connect our computer to a cell phone and get continual usage of the computer. She is quite clever this way and gets called 'techy grammy' by kids and grands. Of course over the years, giant leaps have occurred in technology, and now we have Verizon connecting our computer to the Internet 24 x 7.

Some years ago I began the process of banking on the computer so that we could pay bills even though we were moving about in our motor home. This has turned out to be a very user friendly system. Recently our bank added a process that allows us to scan a check, both front and back, and send this information through the Internet electronically directly to the bank. Once the process is complete, we receive a confirmation number, and when we check the bank account the additional money is immediately available. Now that is progress. We neither have to visit the bank to make a deposit or mail in the check to do the same. When we get paid for our work camping activities, we make the deposits through this process on our computer. I think this is just amazing. Happy travels.

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