Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Quite a week here

There is an old adage, "It never rains but it pours." We got a 7:00 am call on Monday that site 54 had a veritable fountain going. So, Gordon and I took off and got necessary tools, like water keys needed to turn off the water and shovels. We did indeed have a fountain. The guest had unhooked his water hose, and the whole thing simply had come apart. I turned off the water main, and we examined the site to discover that the pvc pipe had simply come apart. We dug down to be able to reconnect the pipes and finally got it all put back in order when it began to rain. It had rained during the night and started up with a vengeance about 7:45, Our day went downhill from there, and it rained off and on all day. I was park host and had to check all sites to see who was here or had left. This was hard to do in a golf cart with the rain coming in, but I managed. The rest of the day was spent mainly in the maintenance shop putting the park names on all of our equipment. At the end of the day, I still had to close and lock up at 10:00pm, I started out and discovered the we had never even unlocked any of our buildings. Closing up was a quick job.

On Tuesday Roy joined our crew, and we caught up on our mowing until I was turning the John Deere tractor around a tree and broke off a water spicket. Before the day was out, we had and fixed five water leaks. Talk about raining and pouring.

On Wednesday we woke up to a flood next door. After much checking, we had a water main that had broken during the night and caused the flooding. We finally got the water turned off and decided to not turn it back on until the people who had camped in this spot had left. They leave tomorrow. We did have to get out two sump pumps and pump out the site and several others where we had overflow. Three days of water problems in a row is too much. Finally, we got back to weed whacking and a bit of mowing.

Late in the morning there was some excitement of police chasing up and down our highway. We did not know what that was all about. I went to site 17 to clean it up when I heard a loud noise, followed by a thundering roar, and suddenly I saw a car come crashing through our roadside fence and hurtling directly in front of where I was working, plowing into the trees at the edge of our property. As I stood watching, with my mouth open, as though I was watching a movie, the police came charging through with their guns drawn, ready to shoot. Subsequently, we discovered that the police had shot out tires to stop the driver before he went back into town. The person they were pursuing was a gas robber at the next town on the lam, trying to escape the law. The loud noise was the shot fired at his tires. The roar was his crashing through several sections of our fence. There were police cars everywhere, and they approached the wreckage with guns drawn. One of our guests, Mario, shouted at me, "There are guns, get behind my coach and get out of the line of fire!" I was glad to comply. Then emergency vehicles arrived, and the robber was taken away. Somehow he was not hurt, although parts of our fence went through the fire wall of his car into the passenger compartment, and another section pierced the windshield, just missing him. I thanked the Lord that I was not in his line of travel. Lookie loos arrived, and we had to chase them off so the police could inspect the crash scene. The rest of the day was a blur to me, and I had quite an adrenalin let down after it was all over. Later, when we inspected the path the car had taken, he missed a light pole by less than a foot and a steel beam supporting our sign by less than six inches. Either of those, not to mention the sections of fence which went through his car, could have caused his demise. Amazing he lived through it! Lunch helped take care of the shakes. It never rains, but what it pours. I think I vote for rain rather than high speed cops and robber chases. Happy travels.


ashley said...


k said...

As my friend Miranda would say, Oh my word!!!!!!!!!

K said...

water and cars and law, oh my!
I am thankful that you are safe and sound, and I hope that your week ahead holds a bit less excitement.