Friday, October 16, 2009

Max is growing up

This morning Max came to get me out of bed about 6am. This is a good thing since we have been leaving him out of his crate, and he can choose to sleep in the crate, since the door is left open, or sleep in his bed, or as is just as likely, drag his towel out into the room and sleep on that. Since he is free, I have wondered whether he might have an accident and so far has not. His coming to get me is a sign that he has grown up and knows that he is to do his business outside not inside. So my usual, "Good boy, Max" applies here. It was worth getting up to take him outside.

Max will be a year old in November, and he is turning into a good dog. We have not always enjoyed the growing up process, but he is good company and fun to be around. Happy travels.

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