Thursday, April 15, 2010

Have a C T scan

I have never had a C T scan in my life until yesterday. When Foxy and I got to the hospital and checked in, we were immediately greeted by a young man who gave me a large container of red colored juice that looked like Kool-aid to drink. I was to drink all of it, and he would return in about forty minutes. I poured some of the red stuff in a glass and began the process. It did not taste bad or good. It was just red. I kept wondering if the technician wanted to get colored, maybe red, pictures of my insides. At least they would be pretty. Somehow I managed to drink all of the red stuff and then hoped it would be all right if I visited the bathroom to get rid of the part that I had processed. I did not ask permission. Two trips later and the young man returned, and off we went for the next stage.

We entered the scanning room and once properly dressed (you have to be properly dressed), I was told to get up on and lie down on a narrow bench that then could insert your body into the scanner. He made me comfortable and then prepared a needle to insert some Iodine mixture in my veins, probably to make the pictures take on a brownish tinge I thought.

When Maurice fell off a ladder in his kitchen some years ago, he had his first C T scan, and they checked his head. He later learned that there was nothing there. He always feared that there was nothing there, and we had lots of laughter over his empty-headed condition. Now it was my turn to learn that there was nothing in my head, either. We could then be the brothers with nothing in our heads.

Sadly, the tech only scanned my chest and abdomen. I really wanted to have it all done, but it was not to be. When he inserted the Iodine stuff, my body began to warm from the inside from my head to my toes. What a great way to get warm. The scan was quickly over, and I was helped up off the narrow bench, and the proper clothing tossed into a laundry bag. I redressed where necessary and was free to go.

Apparently in an adjacent room there are other techs that do nothing but look at the scans and then send their findings on to your doctor, who can also look at the pictures. A very good friend wanted me to request a C-D of the scan, and I tried but didn't get too far with that request. I do not think it would be too bad to let me see the pictures, especially if red or brown in color. I wonder if my insides are still colored. Happy travels.

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