Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Showers and green grass

Sometimes here in the Texas Hill Country it seems like feast or famine when it comes to the weather. Spring has been beautiful this year, largely in part to lots of winter rains. As reported previously, the wild flowers have been abundant and simply beautiful to view. For the last several years we have been in a drought period and had to endure water rationing and watch trees die and grass wither. But nature is resilient, and when the rains returned the grass greened up. Most of the trees survived.

This week we are getting a number of showers, and the grass has responded. My definition of grass is anything green that we can mow. There is no such thing as a green weed unless we can not mow it. My yard is populated by something which has a purple flower and is really quite pretty even though it is getting rather tall. It can be mowed though, so it must be grass. If we can keep ahead of the growing with our mowing, we can continue to believe that it is, indeed, grass. With our showers this week it all may prove to be a challenge. I am hoping that my yard is populated with grass, not weeds. Happy travels.

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