Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Terry says hi to Ron

My friend Terry from Denver sent me a note this morning and mentioned she had a friend who lost part of a finger, "He jogged one way and his dog, on a leash, jogged another. He enjoys being able to count to 4 2/3 on one hand. It seems Ron might enjoy that kind of math." Ron,, you are becoming famous.

My Uncle Frank had one more thumb than normal on one hand and found it a useful place to hold a cigarette while driving. Perhaps if we could find a person like Uncle Frank who had too many digits they might share with Ron.

The woodcarvers are happily taking classes here, and one shared his daily output with us last evening. He had all of his fingers though, and we could not help checking. We wondered if at their last meeting, they could have a show of hands of those that are digitally challenged and perhaps get a more accurate count. All in favor raise your remaining fingers. We might get the wrong finger though, if they still have it. Would it count as a half vote? Happy travels.

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