Sunday, October 3, 2010

Miss Duffy is gone, to make a long story short...

When Arthur had his B & B, there were also house cats. This first cat was named after the B & B, Duffy House and thus was Mr. Duffy. After he met his demise, a subsequent cat was found at the humane society and became Miss Duffy. When Arthur closed the B & B and later bought a house on the golf course, Miss Duffy was transferred to the new house where she has happily kept Arthur company for several years.

We come for a visit, and Max chases Miss Duffy out of the house, and when he sees her barks at her. Miss Duffy did not like Max any better than he liked her. They had one confrontation on the back porch whereupon Miss Duffy jumped up on the rail and then onto the lawn and left. She has returned to the house when she determined it was safe from Max. However two nights ago she did not return and has not been seen since. Is she gone? We certainly hope not and wonder if Max is the culprit in this story. Keep Miss Duffy in your thoughts and hope for a speedy return. We shall keep Max out of the house and hope that helps. Happy travels.

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