Friday, October 22, 2010

Off island again

We love to travel on the ferries that travel between several of the islands and back and forth to the mainland. Recently we made this trip to get our computer's battery replaced and accomplished that task but also bought an inexpensive computer to serve as backup if needed, since we rely heavily on the computer for banking and keeping in touch with family and friends when we are traveling.

The newly bought computer was found to be quite slow in processing and painfully so. Foxy gave it her all, but finally even she decided that it was just TOO SLOW. This was all the excuse we needed, and we headed to the ferry to get to the Best Buy store on the mainland.

It is at least an hour to an hour and a half trip on the ferry each way, so this is a great time to sight see, read the paper or a book, or play cards or dice games. Lately we have been playing a card game called Nasty, that Marlene taught us many years ago. During the travel time we can get in 2-3 sets and thoroughly enjoy playing. Yesterday it was very foggy, which slowed down the ferry trip a bit, and we managed to get in three games going and two on the way home.

While there we also decided to have lunch at The Olive Garden. It was wonderful. We had salad, bread sticks, and pizza. If we had known how big the pizzas were going to be, we would have ordered only one. They boxed up what we could not finish, and we can look forward to a good lunch in a day or so. We arrived home quite satisfied, having again enjoyed the ride. Happy travels.

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