Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rainy weekend

The weather forecast was for a rainy weekend. We have been having simply wonderful weather so far, and a bit of rain will not change that. Last night it began to rain and rained off and on the whole night. I like to hear the sound of the rain on the roof of the coach as it seems to lull me to sleep. About five the morning I realized that it was not raining right then, so I got up, and followed by Max, we went out for his morning constitutional. It was still windy, and I am sure that we will get more showers at some point today. This spell of rain is supposed to go on the whole weekend. That is what keeps the grass green, the roofs mossy, and the roads even have a tinge of green. From previous experience we know it can rain lots here in the Seattle area, but the San Juan Islands get only about half of the rainfall that Seattle gets since the islands are in the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains.

Friends have been telling us of the fall weather in the hill country of Texas. They are so glad that they do not have to use their air conditioners and can have their windows open for some cooler weather. We have not had our system on since we got to Colorado. It certainly is not needed here.

I do have to tell you that our fireplace works well. When we redid our coach, we removed a small love seat and replaced it with an Amish fireplace. Mom has two of these which she uses for heat in the winter. She has one in her bedroom and one in the sitting area of her kitchen. This system seems to work well for her and keeps her winter fuel costs low. So based upon her experience we decided to try one in the coach. It heats about 400 square feet without any problem, which works well in our coach. It does not use much electricity and seems to be quite efficient. Maybe we could serve as an advertisement for the Amish. Happy travels.

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