Saturday, October 23, 2010

Television finally updated

Yesterday the local television repair man reappeared for the second time to install our new updated Dish receiver. We had been given the wrong one in Albuquerque, which caused many calls and emails back and forth until finally we sent back the old one and he sent us the updated version.

When we lived in Omaha, we were fortunate to have Tivo installed on our television and could not only record a show to be seen later but could watch a show midway through and cut out most of the pesky advertisements. In this election period this would have been a blessing, as we are so sick of the nasty bickering between the candidates. This new receiver enables us to have Tivo/DVR again. We also hoped to have the East-West feeds for local stations, but that is no longer available for some reason, probably money lost to local stations.

Having made progress on this front, we were happy with the improvement. Now when two programs are aired at the same time, we can record one and view it later. You would think that with over 200 stations to watch that we would be overwhelmed with things we want to watch, but generally we ignore almost all of it and read instead. Happy travels,

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