Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cold weather and burst pipes

It has been unusually cold here getting down to 10 degrees one night and into the teens on others. We have had frozen pipes in lots of places and worked to get them thawed out. Unfortunately, the next night it happened again but this time with burst pipes. These occurred in the ceiling of our spa building, and we decided to cut off cold air to the attic above the ceiling and worked to replace the breaks. It was a case of lots of water, and that had to be cleaned up, as well. So for the last two days we have worked on the spa water system and finally, with the aid of Roy, got the breaks repaired and most of the mess cleaned up.

Today it dawned with the temperature about 16, and my neighbor, who did not have his rig hooked up, still had internal frozen pipes with icicles and a pool of water gathering under his rig. I don't know if he has discovered his mess yet, but it is there and will have to be dwelt with. Most of the Winter Texans have arrived and come from the frozen North to get away from low temperatures and snow. They really are unprepared for the weather we have been having, in that their rigs are not as well-insulated as the homes they left behind. Generally, they are good natured about the whole thing though, and we try to help where we can. I will appreciate warmer weather when it gets here. Happy travels and stay warm.

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