Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Shopping in San Antonio

We try to go shopping in San Antonio at least every other month. It takes us about an hour to make the 65 mile trip to the city but can then visit HW2's favorite store, Cost Co. We took Max to the groomer on the way and invited good friend Byron to accompany us. When we arrived, we checked with Best Buy to see about the condition of our old computer and learned it needed a new mother board at a cost of $6-800, which we did not do since, of course, the warranty had run out. Then HW2 walked to nearby Penney's to check for a sale, her favorite four letter word.

Off to Cost Co for coffee and assorted items of interest. It always seems to cost us several hundred dollars to get out of there. Finally, a lunch break at Mimi's and then back to a few more stores. Finally, we dragged ourselves back to Kerrville in time to get the cars washed and pick up Max, who now looks much cleaner and clipped but especially sporting a cute kerchief. Max was glad to be home but whined all the way home. Apparently he does not like to travel in the car. Maybe he needs to go more often to get used to traveling. However, he loves to ride on the golf cart and will get on any one that is handy. We grazed for dinner and watched a bit of television and read and were glad to climb in a warm bed and settle down for a good sleep. This shopping makes me real tired. HW2 gave a contented sigh and settled in to dream of future shopping and SALES. Happy travels.

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