Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Max loves his ball

Max has a wonderful ball. We got it at Albertson's when we were checking out and saw this box of balls the size of tennis balls. When bounced they light up. Max surely needed them, so we decided to bring one home for him to play with. He loves to chase the ball when it is thrown and then plays hard to get when you try to get it from him. It is one big game for Max. Of course, when he loses it under one of our recliner chairs, he barks to get it back until you get up and help him or shut him up.

Tonight we were again playing throw the ball, chase, and lose it under the recliner. It gets very annoying for sure when it continues. Then he decided to bark while he had the ball in his mouth. Max has a piercing high bark, and we try to get him not to bark when inside. When he has a ball in his mouth, the bark is muffled and much lower in intensity as well as tone. It was very funny to hear him bark with the ball in mouth. HW2 is not amused at all by this activity, but even she had to laugh. Happy travels.

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