Tuesday, January 12, 2010

HW1's sister's adventures in Thailand - Ribit, Ribit

HW1 has a wonderful sister Susan, and she and her husband Al were invited to visit his cousin and his wife in Thailand. At the end of their stay there, they moved to a hotel and waited for a van to take them to the airport to return home. Susan has a wonderful way with words and is indeed very funny. I thought you would enjoy her latest adventure which she wrote to us in an email.

"Al and I were outside the hotel in Bangkok on Wednesday morning about 3 am waiting for the airport van. Obviously, it was dark......and man, the frogs were going crazy. Rivet! Rivet! Rivet! The floor of the outside was this black shiny marble.....So, I started walking on the tiles toward all the millions of plants that were screaming "RIVET!" looking for all the froggies. And, before I knew what was happening, BAM!!!! I had taken one more step and walked right off the black tiles into the frog pond, which was also pitch black, and came up sputtering, totally WET........The pond was 5-6 ft. deep......Al said he heard this gigantic splash and looked over and couldn't believe his eyes; he rushed over and leaned over, looking at me treading water for all I was worth, and said something like, "SUSAN, WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THERE??!!" He repeated himself a couple of times - sounding REALLY MAD - and I yelled, "Quit yelling at me and help me out of here!!!!" Al was NOT mad, just totally shocked hearing the BIG splash and realized it was me doing the breast stroke in the frog pond. (Many employees had rushed out to see what the noise was all about and were laughing like crazy - Thailand style.) There was not one part of me that was not soaking and dripping wet. There I was in my cute little travel outfit with everything to match, including my socks and with the only jacket I brought, dripping wet from head to toe, in stinky frog muck!!!! I was escorted into the lobby bathroom, and some employees brought me towels and bags for the wet clothes. I dried my hair with a towel, grabbed a t-shirt, pants and shoes from my suitcase, and off we went to the airport. I was laughing hysterically the entire time........(AFTER Al stopped yelling at me. I told him to knock it off,.......like, dude, I AM the one who just went into the F-ing frog pond and am wetter than a friggen frog) Then he started laughing, too. We still are laughing about it. It was unbelievable! If it is going to happen, it will happen to me. What a mess I was.......and I had to travel in summerish clothes. One flight attendant told me to steal a blanket, which I promptly did......I was quite "smart" looking in my United Airlines shawl. (Actually I took 2 so we'd have matching blankets for our camper.) Bad, bad, girl. Frog water must have seeped into my brain. Rivet, Rivet."

I laughed when I read this until I cried. Hope you enjoyed Susan's story as well. Happy travels.

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