Monday, January 11, 2010

Your family

Your family is important in many ways. There is a saying that you can pick your friends but not your family. Why is that? I have had many friends who were like family, and they would do anything that they could to be of help when and if necessary. You can get into a squabble with a family member and after some time elapses, usually, the problem gets resolved, and things go back to normal. However, when a member of your family has a crisis, you circle the wagons and come to their aid. Over the years we have tried to assist various family members when there was a need. Being retired has given us a flexibility to do this. It is interesting to observe the reactions of a family member when you are trying to be helpful. Some appreciate the assistance, and others not so easily. Is it harder to receive than it is to give? Probably!

These situations also occur with your friends, but the bond of family is stronger. I like to think that "pay it forward'\" is my underlying philosophy. By this I mean that when you do something for another, you do not expect anything in return. However, I always hope that they will do something for someone else in the future.

In Texas there is a roadside sign, "DRIVE FRIENDLY." When I first read this sign, I thought it was simplistic. I have come to believe that this simple directive is really quite subtle, and that people here really do behave in nice ways on the road and in personal interactions, as well. This directive sets a tone that affects peoples' lives. So if I have any suggestions today, they would include, "Drive friendly, help others, continue to be supportive of your family members, and pay it forward." Happy travels.

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