Saturday, August 4, 2007


One night at Duffy House on San Juan Island, HW2, Arthur, and I sat down to one of our favorite meals of spaghetti, after a hard work day at the inn. Arthur inquired whether there were any mushrooms in the spaghetti sauce, and HW2, knowing that he did not like them, assured him that indeed there were none in the sauce. HW2 then said, " Why don't you like mushrooms?" Arthur replied, "Well, it is the way they are grown in the dark and all." "So what if they are grown in the dark, underground, or caves. It is just dirt," she said. "They don't grow them in dirt, they grow them in manure," came Arthur's response. "I have never heard of that. That is disgusting. I don't believe it," said HW2. I piped in that Arthur was right and got back, "You guys are putting me on. I like mushrooms, and I do not believe that they are grown in manure." We frequently looked for information on the web, and this discussion proved to be no different. HW2 and Arthur removed themselves to their respective computers, and the discussion was dropped for the moment. That night HW2 gleefully reported an article she had found on the web which supported her side that they were grown in organic compound. She promptly emailed it to Arthur.
The next morning as we were getting breakfast ready, Arthur had printed his article found on the web and left it on the counter for HW2. When we arrived ready to serve the guests at Duffy House their breakfast, she of course found his mushroom article and quickly read it, only to find that indeed they were grown in horse manure. "That's disgusting. I have been ruined and may never eat mushrooms again," she said. Arthur turned from making breakfast and said, "They are called Shitaki, you know."

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