Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Venus and Mars

Now, you need to know that in our household, Mars loves Venus, and Venus loves Mars. However, it has gradually dawned on this Mars that my Venus is wired differently from me. Generally, that is a terrific thing. My Venus loves to shop, and her favorite four letter word is "SALE!" She will be gone for hours looking for just the right thing. Also, when she gets home and finds it not to be exactly what she wanted, she will then return the item to the store and continue to shop. I try not to go shopping since I know that she is happiest trying on a series of clothes and does not really want to keep me waiting; so if I stay home, she can try on or search as long as she wants. When she gets home with her purchases, I get to hear all about the bargains that have been found. The fun part is the delivery. It is just the right color and will go with so many other parts of the outfit and will be perfect for the upcoming event. Even though these were on SALE, the first item mentioned will always be for the least amount and a terrific buy. Other items may not get mentioned. The interesting thing is that "it is a terrific buy." Once in awhile there will be an item bought for me. This is always in good taste and reflects on the fact that I would rather not shop. My idea of shopping is to know exactly what is needed, to go the specific store that sells that thing, to buy the first one I see, to definitely not try it on, and then to get out of there. I can see that I may have to comment on other Venus traits in future blogs, but another specific one needs commentary. My Venus loves lipsticks. She uses them frequently (I'm not to use "a lot" according to Grammar Woman). One time I counted seven lipsticks in her purse. This seemed like enough to do the job. Another time we were doing our stained glass booth at an outdoors arts and crafts show, when my Venus discovered she had no lipstick at all. You can imagine her horror. Well, to set things straight, off she went in search of the necessary lipstick and found one for seventeen dollars. She was happy, and Mars was ........................


K said...

Here is my absolutely favorite lipstick story for Mrs. Venus... while searching for a spot in a crowded mall parking lot, a car ahead of us took a handicapped spot, and when the driver exited the car, he was obviously NOT disabled! This annoyed Mrs. Venus quite much! We found a much-farther-away-spot, and passed by the much-closer-not-really-handicapped-spot on the way into the mall. Mrs. Venus stopped, whipped out a lipstick, and wrote "SHAME ON YOU!" on not-disabled windshield. Then, on examining the lipstick, she tells us, "Guess I better buy a new one!" And, she did! :-) All true, I promise (check my witnesses!).

C and J said...

Alas, I am nailed on all counts! And, I was quite mortified to have paid $17 for some doggoned BedHead lipstick at a "classy" salon, since now everyone also knows that I always look for sales. Imagine, $17! That is highway robbery! And there was not even a Senior Discount, either! As for the parking space story, well, let me just say that I consider that move perfectly justified, and I would probably do it again, even with a $17 lipstick!

sperlonga said...

Oh, BEDhead, I thought you said, DEAD head! Thanks for the social time this morning. Really, I'm getting soooo much done today! HA!!!!!