Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wild Turkey Flock

For the four years that we have lived in this neighborhood, we have enjoyed watching a small turkey flock roam about. A couple of years ago one of our neighbors, Mary Alice, asked us if we had seen the one-legged turkey. We hadn't, but almost immediately spotted it. Yesterday we were looking out and saw the flock moving through another neighbor's yard and started to count the size of the flock, five I think. Best of all, the one legged turkey was still with them, hopping along and being looked after by the others. He had stopped. and one of the other turkeys came back for him as if to say, "Are you OK? We need to get on with our roaming."

We have other wild critters here, too, and have several raccoons, opossum, skunks, rabbits, and many squirrels, including black ones. The squirrels have been eating the bark off small branches of the trees, since a late frost in the spring did in much of their food supply. Now they have the early apples and are leaving the branches alone. The rabbits enjoy the neighborhood gardens and are a nuisance. We caught several last year in a trap/cage and transported them to other neighborhoods to help with their animal populations.

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