Thursday, August 9, 2007

You Can Be Right - ALL DAY!!!!

Apparently, some folks who join our family think that they have discovered a trait that is rampant. This trait can be categorized as THINKING we are right and then discovering maybe later, that, indeed, we WERE right. Apparently, it can be difficult to live all the time with someone who is always right. One daughter-in-law, I'll call her June, seems to have discovered this trait in her husband. It beats me where he inherited this trait. Not my side of the family, I am sure! Anyway, June announced one day to husband Jack, "OK, you are right! You can be right for the rest of the day!" This attitude adjustment on her part seemed to help, and she passed this approach on to me, mentioning to me that Jack did not seem to want to be always right for the rest of the day.
I thought that this approach was terrific, as did HW2, and we have used it effectively with each other. However, one day while we working in an antique mall where we had a booth, we had an encounter with another antique dealer who had inherited this same trait, and I positively swear she was not a family member. Finally having had enough, I told Cherie, "OK! You are right. You can be right all day!" Cherie said, "But I don't want to be right. I don't want to be right all day!" I replied, "It is too late, and you are right all day." She followed me around and kept coming back to me with this lament all the rest of the day.She NEVER tried that attitude on me ever again and almost became likable. If this happens to you and causes you some frustration, try June's solution, and let me know if it works for you.

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