Monday, January 5, 2009

It Is Raining -- Yeah!!!!

The weather report promised rain in the night, and I woke up to hear it begin. Central Texas has been in and is suffering from a severe drought from quite some time. The river that runs through this campground resort is nearly dry, so much so, that the deer easily wade across each night to be fed here. The grounds are parched, and the dry grass is brittle to walk on. We have been under severe fire danger for months, and so we are thoroughly delighted to have it rain. Better yet, it is supposed to rain today and tomorrow.

Yesterday I tried to work on glass outside but it kept getting colder and colder, finally dropping below 50 degrees, and I had to give up and come in, finished for the day. The management here lets me work in their workshop when necessary, so I plan to do that today. Each of these windows seems to take longer than I expect it to, but that is fine as long as it gradually gets done.

We had some good news that good friends Joetta and Bill have moved into their new house on their farm in Iowa. They had the house built to their specifications, and it has a lovely view to the east of the rolling farm land of Iowa. We got a tour while it was being built. Now their son and his bride will move into the old farm house and make it their home. It is wonderful to see farm families living and working together, as they are stewards of the land.

When we went to see the rock collector people in Socorro over Christmas, we also learned that one of their sons lives on their left side, and a daughter lives on the right while his aging mother lives in the house in the back. It is quite the family compound, and they get together and share many family meals and undertakings. In our society today, you do not frequently see such togetherness. Our family seems to be spread all over the country, and thus we feel privileged to be able to visit them, but we wish some were closer on a regular basis. The years we spent in Albuquerque and Omaha gave us a chance to be near some of our kids and their families. A blessing for sure. Happy travels.


sperlonga said...

I'll have to post some more photos of the new Stupfell mansion!
Ah, I could sit and drink coffee AND drink in the view for hours. It's almost as good as the sea!

Anonymous said...

We are moved in and beginning to feel like it's our house. But the dog is having a terrible time adjusting! To be honest, I'm a little unsettled too.

C and J said...

Joetta, we are so happy for you! In no time, you'll feel "right to home," as they say in upstate NY! Enjoy! And, thanks to Rachael for the pictures!