Monday, January 26, 2009

Max comes home

We got back to Kerrville late Saturday afternoon but could not pick up Max until this morning. So on Sunday we had a third day free from Puppydom. We had joined the First Presbyterian Church by transfer of membership from our church in Omaha. This got voted on by the elders in our new church, and the Rev. John presented us to the church Sunday morning. We were asked questions which we answered and then were warmly welcomed by all. We spent the rest of Sunday talking with family and generally having a quiet day. In the evening we watched a movie version of the Last Templar which I had read this past year. Tonight we get to watch the second part of this movie.

Max seemed to be glad to get back home, and we have walked several times and let him play in his pen outside. The morning started out a bit wet but has ended up being a sunny day. On one of our walks, we stopped to talk with Gracie, who mentioned that she had told Don (our owner/manager) that HW2 would probably be a good person to hire to run the River Rock Saloon, since she had good "hooters," whatever that means. When I told Gracie's comment to HW2, she laughed and laughed. Apparently, Don laughed at the comment, too. Who knows, HW2 may get such a job. Do you think it might include short skirts and a halter top? Happy travels.