Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday's Update

On Monday it warmed up enough to be able to have lunch outside. It was very sunny, and we enjoyed eating in the good weather. Usually it only warms up into the fifties, and you can get your walk in but not eating outside. I finished up a smaller window for a friend here in the park that he intends to put into his front door. Last night we met friends Hollis and Bryon for dinner at an Italian restaurant that just opened this month. The food was good. We shared Veal Scallopini and had side salads, and that was quite filling so that we did not have dessert.

We also went to see a new back/joint doctor so that HW2 could be examined to see what to do for her aches and pains. He took her history and then had x-rays taken of the back, hips, and knees. He looked at the x-rays and decided to send HW2 to physical therapy to see if they can develop a program to strengthen her abdominal muscles and see if that helps control the pain.

HW2 is off to physical therapy today, and we really look forward to having her get some good exercises that will help. I have lost two more pounds and to celebrate this step forward, cleaned out my closet and drawers of unneeded clothes. It is sunny today and is supposed to warm up into the 60's but the bit of wind puts a sharp edge to everything. Happy travels.

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