Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Chewey Stage

Max is needing to chew everything in sight. This includes shoelaces, pant legs, fingers, shirt sleeves, and anything he can get his sharp baby teeth into. He is being trained to the crate, and when he gets out of hand, he goes back into the crate.

Yesterday when I was walking Max, he saw another white dog reflected in some sliding glass windows. First he kept looking for the other dog, and then he barked because the other dog kept jumping about and then was quite mystified by the whole thing. It was exactly like a baby getting to see himself in the mirror for the first time. I enjoyed the whole thing. Max did not want to leave the interesting white puppy but quickly forgot about it and away we continued on our walk.

About 3:00 am he did not want to go outside and do his business and just kept jumping and crying or barking. It was probably in the twenties here. I tried walking him, but he would not settle down to the purpose of the walk. I tried about a half hour later and gave up and then at 7:30 we got that finally done so he could fill up on puppy chow and water and start the whole thing over. He is growing very rapidly already not fitting so well in clothes that HW2 is buying. We will get through this stage though. Already he does let me know if he had to go outside to do his business, which is a great step forward although there have been a few accidents. I am sure I am getting quite well-trained in any event. Happy travels.

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