Thursday, January 15, 2009

Max Sleeps Through the Night

Late yesterday afternoon we went to the movies and saw Benjamin Buttons which was ok allowing for a rather odd premise of getting younger rather than older. Brad Pitt did a good job and certainly got better looking as he aged younger. i think some serious makeup was needed though. While this movie would not be a favorite of mine it is worth seeing. Later we went to Chili's for hamburgers and enjoyed a night out. We came home to Max who had behaved himself and was glad to go outside before settling down for the night.

He slept through the night and then got to go to the vet this morning. He had a shot for Parvo and generally received a good bill of health. Then we took him for our morning walk or carry as it could be called. He did walk a bit though and provided much conversation as we met other walkers on our morning rounds. I firmly believe that if you are walking a dog, everyone wants to stop and talk and fuss over the dog. This seems especially true if your dog is a puppy.

HW2 has gone to physical therapy to get exercises and so I have a few minutes of quiet and can get caught up on this blog. Happy travels.

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