Monday, January 12, 2009

We joined the Presbyterian Church here in Kerrville

Yesterday we joined the First Presbyterian Church in Kerrville. Actually, we transferred our membership from Harvest Community Church in Omaha to here. We have been attending this church whenever we were here since around 2000-2001 and have thoroughly enjoyed the membership and worshipping in this beautiful church. When we first came, the church was held in a beautiful old building with wonderful stained glass windows. The minister at that time looked and talked like he was a clone of Harry Truman, and we thoroughly enjoyed hearing him preach. The congregation grew in size, and a decision was made to build a much larger church next door with the older church became the chapel.

HW2 and I were deacons in a church in Albuquerque for several years, and yesterday when they were ordaining new deacons and elders, we were happy to be able to stand while the new deacons were being ordained as the minister had asked all former deacons in any Presbyterian Church to stand. HW2 is delighted to be again in a church where women can take leadership roles and is looking forward to developing her interests here. I look forward to being a reader, greeter, or usher. We have already joined a Suppers Eight type group that meets for food and fellowship once a month.

At the end of their service we met with the elders and were voted in as members by transfer. When HW2 mentioned the roll of women, she was told that there were many activities where she could put her abilities to work, and this church always needed another woman leader. We felt very welcomed here and look forward to our new church home although will miss the wonderful fellowship we experienced at Harvest. The friends we made there will continue for the rest of our lives. Happy travels

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