Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day

I remember my dad fondly. His large hands could make a naughty boy wish otherwise. I deserved every one of the spankings I got as a child. My father did not put up with a smart mouth on a child. We quickly learned to do what was asked and to do it willingly. He taught us many lessons as we grew into young adults and kept setting his fine example throughout his life for his children and grandchildren. He was reserved but had a terrific sense of fun which typically emerged when he was playing cards. He was a formidable card player and very hard to beat. He once said that no one ever knew if he did not like them. When he died, his funeral was attended by many many friends and family. He knew how to live and how he wanted his life to be. When I was young, I remember him making us lawn chairs and marveled that he could make them without seeming to have a pattern. They lasted for years and were quite comfortable. He enjoyed having automobiles. During WWII he drove a 1936 Ford for many years, and finally after the war we got a new 1947 Plymouth, He was very proud of that car. It was followed by a series of new Desoto's and then Chrysler's. His favorite car color was red. I miss his fine example to this day but can quickly remember what dad would do when I need his advice. I only hope that I set as half a fine example to my children and grandchildren. Happy Father's Day and happy travels.

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