Friday, June 11, 2010

Getting unplugged

I have been hooked up with tubes and wires going all over the place. Frequently I get so wound up in the whole paraphernalia that it takes two or three of us to get untangled. This evening they began the process of unhooking me. First, the epidural came out. I must assure you that I am not pregnant and that epidurals also can be used to deliver pain medication. This worked very well, and I really was not in much discomfort at all. Then they unhooked the heart monitor, which was a bit bulky, and made me tilt to the right. I really got those wires mixed up with bedding and my night shirt.

Night shirts are not a thing of beauty, and you can expose yourself without really trying. Not being in the flashing business but also not very modest, I merely feel sorry for anyone I inadvertently flashed. I just got clean bedding and some version of cleaned up, which did feel good. I have had great attention and feel that this hospital is superb. I have no idea when I will be released but expect that might happen early in next week. Foxy has been my faithful companion throughout. I could not ask for a more devoted spouse.

I am glad to have the operation behind and look forward to the biopsy results. Then home to recuperate. Thank you all for your prayers and support. I marvel to have such wonderful friends and family. Happy travels.


sperlonga said...

Wow, you are a committed blogger! I don't think I'd be blogging from the bed! I think I'd just be vegging....Glad to hear you're doing well. :)

joan s s said...

great to hear from you! i think blogging must be theraputic! keep getting better! love from us both

ashley said...

I'm so glad that you seem to be making a good recovery and that you are so satisfied with your care! I understand about getting caught up in the wires though! When I was being induced with Harper, I had IV's, heart & contraction monitors and a blood pressure cuff.I looked forward to going to the bathroom, because that meant I was off the monitors for at least a few minutes!
I hope your pain is minimal and your recovery is rapid!