Thursday, June 24, 2010

Good news

This morning we made another weekly trek to nearby Fredericksburg to have the catheter removed. After that was done the nurse shared the biopsy results, and there was no more cancer. All was clear. Wonderful news for sure. I had been hoping but wanted to see the results. We then drove into this small city and walked several blocks one way and then crossed the street and walked back to the car. I saw a lovely Swarvoski crystal heart and knew that Foxy needed it for her business, especially since she has taken such good care of me these past weeks. I told her it could be an early anniversary present. I can't wait to see her wearing it.

Then home and a nap for this intrepid adventurer. Later in the afternoon I drove the car, and we went to Penny's to get me some walking shorts with a smaller waist since my current shorts have this habit of falling off at inopportune times. Not a pretty sight I might add. Then to Office Max for a new smaller printer and Albertson's for groceries where I GOT TO DRIVE A CART. It was fun and I was tired so it was good to tour the store by cart. I didn't even hit anyone. Home and more resting for me, and Foxy started emptying boxes and filling the new cabinets. What a joy not to have to go through boxes when needing food or cooking utensils.

Later I invited Foxy to walk to the River Rock Saloon for a little something. Brother Maurice had suggested that it was time. Now home and fish and salad for dinner. Happy travels.

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