Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The last few weeks have been quite busy with renovation on the coach, working, and medical stuff. However, a funny thing happened along the way, and I thought I would share it.

When I first visited the hospital to have blood drawn and early admission paperwork, I was fascinated by the lady who did the paperwork. She was overweight and seldom left her chair but kept up comments as we went through the stuff. What tickled me was that she would apparently sleep a small bit as we went along, wake up and continue as if nothing had happened. I suspect she has a sleeping condition like sleep apnea, whatever that is, and is unaware of her condition. I did wonder whether the paperwork was complete, and if her boss knew she was napping here and there. When I appeared for the surgery, she remembered me, and things progressed, so I guess the paperwork was correct. I wonder if she naps while driving. Happy travels.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Sounds like Narcolepsy. There was a guy in Bemidji that had that and you'd see him fall asleep in a restaurant while sitting there. Very weird.