Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to work half time

Today I started back to work half time by working the morning shift. I ran the numbers, which meant that I checked to see who was still located in the park and then picked up the small amount of garbage set outside for us to take to trash bins. After that I worked with Clyde, who is relatively new, on cleaning and maintaining the pools. I then checked to insure that those who had indicated that they were leaving had indeed done so. Finally, Gordon and I transported some ice to the front and packed up more.

In some quick way the morning seemed to fly by, and it was good to be back working even an abbreviated shift and with light work. I think that this will continue for the next two weeks and then it will be back full time. My task is to not get ahead of my healing body and to listen to its limitations. I suspect it will take awhile before I am in the same shape that I was in before the operation. I do like to be busy and work as it keeps my mind occupied, and I enjoy working with the other work campers. Happy travels.

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