Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sign next to a local nursing home

We were out driving and passed a local nursing home that had a sign next to it which said, "Dead End." Now this sign was meant for the road next to the building of the nursing home, but we took it out of context and decided, once laughter was at a dull roar, that the sign needed to be changed.

None of us wants to end up in a nursing home as most of us really think of it as the sign stated. So we tried to come up with a new sign and got, "Do Not Enter," "No way Out," "Feet First," and several others equally inappropriate. Being a bit superstitious I am wondering if payback for my gallow humor is to one day end up in the nursing home. Foxy, please make me a cocktail of all of our prescriptions and let my lights go out before that happens. Can you think of other better sign names? Happy travels.

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