Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The golf cart and Gracie

Our golf cart recently sprouted a very well-made spider web. While driving to work I finally saw the perpetrator, a small reddish brown spider. She deserved a name, and I decided it should be Gracie. Foxy's grandmother was named Gracie, and somehow it seemed appropriate. I am waiting for Gracie to begin to communicate. I know that she will when she is ready. One of her relations, a bit in the past, was named Charlotte, and so if Charlotte could communicate, then Gracie will seize the day and do so also. I do wonder what she might have to say. We do not have a pig that needs saving, although Max has his days when he needs a bit of saving, usually from Foxy.

I just returned using the cart to go get our clean laundry when I spied, you got it, a message from Gracie. She wrote the word, "WORK." What does this mean? I have returned to work part time and still seem to need my rest each day. She could have written "REST." Then I would immediately have taken to bed and rested, of course. I wonder if she is transmitting a message from Don, the owner - manager of this place. He wants all of his work campers to WORK. Actually all of us do work and work hard, so it is probably not that. Hmmm!! Any suggestions? Happy travels.

1 comment:

ashley said...

I'm reading Charlotte's Web to Harper before bedtime!