Monday, July 19, 2010

Foxy and Max

Foxy tolerates dogs but is not really an animal person. In fact, she is not at all interested in cats or other animals that some people keep as pets. Now she really liked MacGregor, a Scottie we had in Omaha. He was hit by a car and had to be put to sleep when all he was really trying to do was follow our other dog Duffy, who liked to run away. This put Duffy high up on the S___ list for Foxy for a long time.

Now we have Max, and Foxy tolerates him and thinks he is a good boy most of the time. Max and I get up about six each morning so that he can go outside and take care of business. Then he gets bored while I read the morning papers and do the Sudoku puzzles. When he hears Foxy begin to stir, he quietly whines in anticipation. Foxy didn't really believe that he did this until she heard him the other morning. When she finally gets up, he gets so excited. "Maybe she will play with me," or "Maybe I can jump up to get petted," or "Maybe she will throw the ball," or some other doggy thought goes through Max's mind. What he gets from Foxy is, "Down," "Off," or "Stop." Then he sits in front of her and looks longingly at his adored Foxy and wags his tongue at her which grosses her out, as she does not want to be licked. Then we go for a walk and he forgets his adoration and can sniff wonderful things in the outdoors.

They have an accommodation of sorts but as I originally stated. Foxy does not really like pets very much but does allow me to indulge them. Thanks, Foxy! I do love my dogs. Happy travels.

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