Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dog days of summer

I believe that we have hit the dog days of summer. When Max and I get up any time after five in the morning, we go out for his morning constitutional. He takes his time and sniffs around for the perfect place to do his business, and I get to watch the waning stars and sliver of a moon. I do notice the humidity and the fact that it is rarely in the seventies and nearly eighty degrees even at that hour. Max finishes and is glad to head back into the coach where it is cool. Even though I am not thrilled with warm days, I do realize that all too soon summer will be gone, fall here and back into winter.

Even Gracie our resident spider seems to have troubles keeping her web business going. Does it ever get too hot to be a spider? I think that this coming week I will be back to work full time and hope that I can manage in the late afternoon when it really gets hot. We need rain here as the grass begins to brown up. I guess that means that I will not have to mow so much. When we do mow, it really seems like we are mowing dirt, and we come back just covered.

Am I complaining? Not really. I am thankful to have my health and be on the recovery trail and have something to do with these dog days of summer. Happy travels.

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