Monday, August 30, 2010

A flower, by any other name......

Walt Disney Productions developed the movie Bambi in the 1940's. It was the first movie I remember seeing, and I believe we saw it at a drive in movie. One of the memorable characters in the movie was introduced when Bambi is in a field of flowers and meets a cute (aren't they all) skunk named Flower.

Max and I tend to go out early each morning, and it is not unusual for us to see deer which my little white "deer hunter" desperately wants to chase in the forlorn hope of catching/eating one. Yesterday I noticed a skunk in the section where there is a shuffleboard court. The white tail was high over "Flower's" back, so I turned Max around, and we went elsewhere for him to complete his morning business. I do not think that Max saw Flower. Today, engaged in the same activity, we again came across Flower, and this time Max saw him. I turned us around and departed for a different section and came across three deer, and Max gave chase to the end of his leash. I could just see trying to live with a dog that had tangled with a skunk. Fortunately for Max and us, we did not. Happy travels.

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