Friday, August 13, 2010

Max and his toys

Max has four balls. Walk-a-proud, walk-a proud. What I meant to say was that he has four toy balls. Two of them light up when bounced, one is a tennis ball, and the final one is a rubber ball that might remind you of a base ball. Max loves to play with these toy balls and has several favorite games.

One game is to chase the ball thrown by me. It is quite a sight to see Max returning with the lit ball in his mouth, and after he does this a bit he gets all growly. Somehow listening to him growl with a lit ball in his mouth makes me laugh. It is particularly fun to do at night as he can find the lit ball in the darkened bedroom. Another favorite game is to toss the ball in the air and see if he can catch it before it hits the floor. He has gotten quite good at this game, too, and really responds when we say, "Good boy, Max." He is up to seven or eight straight catches without losing the ball. He will play this game as long as you are willing to toss it.

Today he learned another game where the pall is placed on his nose and he tries to catch it before it hits the floor. Another successful game for Max. The rubber base ball seems to be the best for these last two games.

Now we are trying to get him to stay while a treat is placed on his nose and only take it when told to do so. Some of our kids have taught their dogs to do this. As to Max's other toys, and he has several, you will have to await future posts on this blog. Happy travels.

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