Friday, August 13, 2010

Max and the deer

Poor Max has known that something was different these past several days and has moped and wanted to be up on my lap more than usual. He is not yet a confirmed traveler. However, when we got to the new park, he was glad to have new places to sniff and to check out. This morning we set out as usual to take care of his morning constitutional. He quickly took care of nature's call, and then we went for a short walk through this part of the park. Max saw some movement, and this was followed by taking a three leg stance and standing stock still. Maybe Max has some Pointer blood as well as Westie, which might account for why he is getting so big. Diet dog chow is looming in his future.

The deer snorted and darted around. As we came around the block, we again encountered this group of watchful deer, and Max stopped again and pointed. Food on the hoof ! Road kill? A bit big for a small white dog though. There were two bucks and two others in the group. They raised their white tails and pranced off in the opposite direction. Max desperately wanted to give chase. Hunter instinct taking over for sure. A disappointed, Max followed me home.

He is currently asleep at my feet and growling. Is he dreaming about those deer? I hope so. Happy travels.