Saturday, August 14, 2010

Peterson Hospital is going

For many years there has been a seven story hospital downtown in Kerrville. Within the last two years or so, this building was replaced with a new edifice erected across the river near the main post office. Then came the discussion within the community. Could the old building be used for apartments? Should it be replaced by a high rise hotel? Do we need a convention center, and if so should it be placed downtown on the old hospital location?

Finally after much time and discussion it was decided to tear down the old hospital. This has now been happening for several months. Piece by piece the wreckers have taken the building apart. Sometimes it looks like giant grasshoppers sneak in during the night and take out giant bites of the old building. If you run across one of these grasshoppers, go in the opposite direction and quickly as apparently they can chop through steel and concrete.

We still do not know for sure what will be built on the site of the old hospital. Hopefully it will encourage a renaissance of downtown and encourage other businesses to locate there. Happy travels.

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