Sunday, August 8, 2010


This seems like a good title for the 800th entry. I have been thinking about mirrors and how useful they are in our lives. After all how could you get your hair combed or fixed without one? I wonder what you see when you look in the mirror. I know that I do not always see myself as I am, but rather as I think I am or wish to be. That brings to mind the Disney movie where the bad Queen asks the Mirror, "Who is the fairest of us all?" She is expecting the mirror to answer that she is and instead the mirror answers, "Snow White." The result of this answer is not good for the Queen, Snow White or even the mirror.

We are all vain in various degrees, and so when we look at the reverse image of ourselves, do we see the wrinkles, the sagging chin, grey hair, tired eyes or any of the reality? I think we hold as much of the truth as far away as possible. Lately, when I have time, I try to look in the mirror and say, "Who are you old man?" or, "How did you get to be so old looking?" This makes me laugh at myself and say that I earned all of these age related facial considerations. Then I pass another mirror trying to hold in my stomach and think myself thin. Thanks, mirror! I would like to be thin so that I could wear the clothes the models wear and look good in them. Oh, the reality of it all. Happy travels.

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