Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lunch at Crackerbarrel

Yesterday we had a late lunch with two of our friends from church. Frequently we sit in the same pew with them or just behind them. Both of these ladies are widows and are very involved in the life of the church. They have made us very welcome in our time there. Rose even sends birthday cards and currently has a project keeping up communication with church family members that serve in the military. Alijandrina (Ali) is a wonderful woman who seems to be the unofficial greeter and knows everyone. She reminds me of my grandmother Lucetta who seemed to know everyone in her community. If Ali has an opinion she will share it and shake her finger if you have not yet gotten her point.

Lunch took an enjoyable slice of time, and the talking was non stop. Rose is planning a trip to New York City and a visit to a daughter for Thanksgiving. Ali is in late stages of irreversible kidney failure and is letting nature take its course. She does not want anything special done for her. What lovely friends. Happy travels.

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