Wednesday, February 6, 2008

200 & Dream Team Politics

This turns out to my 200th blog entry. When I got started doing a blog, I never gave it any thought such as getting to 200. At times it has been difficult to figure out what to blog about. Best of all was connecting with family and friends who have been kind enough to read and make occasional comments. Thanks for hanging in there with me as I travel happily through blog land.

Last night, HW2 and I watched the news people talk and talk and talk about Super Tuesday. I finally decided to help them save their voices and turned the tv off. In the middle of the night I did wonder how it finally shook out, so I checked AOL this morning and got caught up. I am afraid that we are in for months of this yadda yadda yadda and encourage you to turn it off when you can take no more of it. I think the Brits have it right, and this process should be restricted to six weeks of yadda yadda and then vote and get on with it. Think of all the money that would be saved and the phone calls during the evening meal that you could ignore while some worker bee tries to find out how you will vote or request your support or send money.

I have come up with an idea that is not at all new. McCain and Huckabee team up and agree to be pres and vp candidate for the Republicans, and Clinton and Obama do the same for the Democrats. That way we will not have to listen or turn off their yadda yadda occurring up to the conventions. They might even get their voices back by RESTING or VACATIONING, and we get to ignore them. By now most of us have made up our minds, and all we then are left to do is to VOTE in November. It is always important to vote even if you leave this section of the ballot blank because your favorite candidate did not make it this far.

Unfortunately we are in for yadda yadda for the next several months, and associated talking heads will try to show how smart they are by talking also. It is a good thing that I like to read and also own a tv clicker with a mute and an off button. I forsee much clicking here for the next few months. Maybe we should get back on the road and wander. Happy travels all.

1 comment:

sperlonga said...

You know exactly how to say it, don't you? You're right, the Brits have it. I was so glad to live overseas for 88, 92, and 96!